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Image transformations are supported by these query parameters.

We chose to base our API around the Imgix service to allow for backwards compatibility with the already popular service. The idea is that all CMS plugins should be able to seamlessly use this service in-place of an Imgix URL. We've only implemented a hand-full of the features Imgix offers; however, the one's we've implemented should cover most use-cases.

The benefits of using this method over other methods (such as hashing the entire URL payload in base64) are:

  • Much more intuitive
  • Easier to develop & debug
  • Provides clear prefix matching your original object's path with which you can create invalidations with wildcards

You may access images in your SOURCE_BUCKET via the Cloudfront URL that is generated for your distribution just like normal images. Transforms can be appended to the filename as query parameters.

fm - output format

Can be one of: webp, png, jpeg, tiff

w - width

Scales image to supplied width while maintaining aspect ratio

h - height

Scales image to supplied height while maintaining aspect ratio


If both width and height are supplied, the aspect ratio will be preserved and scaled to minimum of either width/height

q - quality

(75) - 1-100

ar - aspect-ratio

(1.0:1.0) - When fit=crop, an aspect ratio such as 16:9 can be supplied, optionally with a height or width. If neither height or width are defined, the original image size will be used.

dpr - device-pixel-ratio

(1) - scales requested image dimensions by this multiplier.

fit - resize fitting mode

Can be one of: fill, fillmax, scale, crop, clip, min, max

fill - fill mode when fit is fill or fillmax

Can be one of: solid, blur

Default is solid


used when fit is set to fill can be a loosely formatted color such as "red" or "rgb(255,0,0)"

crop - resize fitting mode

can be one of: focalpoint, entropy, any comma separated combination of top, bottom, left right


Uses the fp-x and fp-y parameters to crop as close to the supplied point as possible.


Crops the image around the region with the highest Shannon entropy

crop=top,left (or bottom, right)

Crops the image around the region specified. Supply up to two region identifiers comma separated.

fp-x, fp-y - focal point x & y

Percentage, 0 to 1 for where to focus on the image when cropping with focalpoint mode

s - security hash

See Security section


Can be a comma separated combination of: compress, format


If auto includes format, the service will try to determine the ideal format to convert the image to. The rules are:

  • If the browser supports it, everything except for gifs is returned as webp
  • If a png is requested and that png has no alpha channel, it will be returned as a jpeg


The compress parameter will try to run post-processed optimizations on the image prior to returning it.

  • png images will run through pngquant

blur - gaussian blur

Between 0-2000

px - pixelate

Between 0-100

bri - brightness

Between -200-200